Mind Your Business and Your Business Will Mind You

“As a man thinketh so is he.”

This may come as a shock to you, but your mind has everything to do with your current state of being right now. How many times have you said “I wish I could?” Why don’t you?

Here’s a fact! The mind can be your greatest asset or your worst investment. It stops you before you even get started.

The mind causes you to self doubt, debate and quit with yourself. You will never win fighting yourself.

In fact, you will be quicker to find an excuse as to why you can’t do something versus figuring out how it can be done. Successful people know this because this is what separates them from everyone else.

The more you think about what it is you want to do, you need to position yourself in that direction.

1. Stay away from negative people. This seems simple, but it’s not. You must have discernment in how to detect negativity from negative people. Sometimes it can be a word, an action and even a smile.

2. Speak over you and your situation.. It’s ok to encourage yourself in the journey. You must be your biggest cheerleader for success.

3. Don’t talk about, be about it. People expect you to fail. Talk is cheap. When you put action behind your words, things manifest.

I remember questioning myself about why I wasn’t where I wanted to be in life. I had the education, the experience, the knowledge and the skills, but not the confidence. Yes.. the mind can steal that too. Then I realized that confidence is an inside job. The mindset of a boss is what’s needed to mind your business. I also understood that I needed to Act Like a Success and Think Like a Success. This book gave me a whole different perspective of how to uplevel my game as a boss.

No one can make you feel better about yourself but you. Everyday make it a practice of thinking great thoughts and doing great things for you. Don’t fall into old habits. Create new habits that will enable you to be your best self while making an impact.

I’m Nichelle your life and business strategist. I help you start, market, grow and profit into the CEO of you. Connect with me on Instagram for daily tips and strategies. Learn more about what I do to help you at The Start Up CEO. Check out The People Connect Podcast for business and motivation. Looking to uplevel your business game? Connect with me in my private Facebook Group. Until next time..

Blessings and peace,

7 Steps to Having Great Karma in Your Life

The energy of people who always seem happy and enjoy life can be contagious. Have you ever said to yourself “Why is it that these type of people draw a crowd and seem to attract everyone to them like a magnet?” Did you ever stop to think that it’s their positive attitude and the way they look and react to the world around them?

Mindset is everything. Having a positive attitude can do more than anything else towards getting you whatever you want out of life. They way you think and act says a lot about you as a person. Those who are in positions to make things happen for you will want to be around you and want to work with you to help make your dreams become a reality. Having a positive attitude in whatever you do will make things easier, less complicated and even more enjoyable.

Being successful and happy starts with a positive attitude.

Listed below are seven simple, but powerful strategic tips to assist you with having a more positive attitude and thus becoming a more powerful person.

1. Be passionate and action oriented towards living your life. Don’t just make it through the day, live it to the fullest without complaints. Dig your teeth into the grind of the day and live it like it was your last day on earth. Wring every moment out of it and live each day with passion. Passion and a positive attitude are contagious. You will find others attracted to you who are just as passionate about living and life. Set goals and complete them as expected. Here’s 50 Steps Towards Achieving Your Goals.

2. Be active instead of reacting to it. Don’t wait until something bad happens then try to deal with it. Be proactive and make something good happen constantly. You are solely responsible for what you make of the life you have. You only have one great life so don’t waste it. Create the best life you possibly can one day at a time.

3. Believe that each moment is perfect regardless of its outcome. Life is going to happen. That is a fact of life. How you deal with it matters and determines the results. Don’t allow the misfortunes to drag you down. Good can come from everything no matter how bad it may be at the time. Learn to open yourself up to learn from each experience. Gain strength from the bad things that happen in your life. Learning to have a positive attitude even when bad things are happening will help you to get through the bad times even stronger and drive you to be more than determined to succeed.

4. Learn to always be grateful for what you have. Gratitude determines your altitude. It’s a well-known fact among successful people that having gratitude will get you more than just satisfaction. There’s nothing wrong with having dreams and goals and desiring more out of life, but don’t forget to be grateful for what you already have. Those who are never satisfied or grateful with what they have fall into a “needy” or “poverty” mindset where they think they never have have anything. Eventually their poor attitude will doom them for ever having anything.

A positive attitude attracts positive actions. Gratitude attracts positive energy.

5. Daily.. Seize every opportunity that you can instead of regretting it later. Now, whatever you do, don’t put yourself in the poorhouse or take food out of your children’s mouths chasing every get-rich-quick scheme that comes around the corner. However, don’t be afraid to make and take opportunities that feel right. Do your research. Understand what’s required and factor in what the opportunity requires. Successful people have taught themselves to have a sixth sense when it comes to taking advantage of new opportunities. Keep in mind, nothing comes from comfort. The inevitable of success requires you to strentch yourself.

6. Always keep a good sense of humor. Laughing at yourself is the best medicine. People like to be around those who find humor in even the most awkward moments. Learn to laugh out loud and you will be more positive, especially if you can learn to laugh at yourself. Don’t take yourself, or life, too seriously. Life is much too short to waste it moping around in self pity. Don’t invite people to a pity party either. Humor is very attractive. A positive attitude can be born from a strong sense of humor.

7. Have the belief that you are in charge of your destiny. Your dreams will give you purpose.. No one can take your dreams from you except for you. As long as there’s breath in your body, there is no limit to how much you can accomplish. Life is not something that is going on around you. It is simply what you make of it. By doing nothing you are still creating your life but it may not be the one you desire. Why not get involved and create a life you want and can enjoy? Just remember, it all starts with you and learning to have a positive mental attitude.

Anyone who is truly successful and enjoys life, has a life to be proud of. This person more than likely has a positive attitude.

If you use these seven steps to develop a positive attitude, then you too will live a life worth living filled with happiness.

I’m Nichelle. Your certifed & degreed life and business strategist. I help you start, market, grow and profit like a CEO. Are you on Instagram? Let’s connect! Check out The People Connect Podcast for more tips, tricks, motivation and inspiration in life and business.

Blessings & peace,

Are You Stuck in a Dead End Career? Here’s How to Free Yourself.

Let’s face it. You will spend half your life working doing something to earn a living. Either you will work for someone building their dreams or you will work for yourself and build your own.

If you are going to do it (work that is), you should enjoy it. Even though it sounds crazy, work can be enjoyable. Do you have a choice where you work and what you do? Yes you do. The decision is all up to you. Check out these tips for finding a new career.

Your career is what you will be remembered for succeeding in.

Happiness is a choice and so is a career. I advise those who are confused about what it is they want to do of this simple point. Do what makes you feel complete, useful and purposeful.

Social media is a great place to network and connect with others. Use platforms like LinkedIn to help you connect with others in your desired field. Get engaged, learn something new and promote yourself.

Is it always about the money? It depends. Is money inportant to you or do you need more than just money? Only you can honestly answer that question. What’s important to you? They are important to me. The more time I have, and money, I can spend it with them creating new memories.

There are so many creative ways to make money. I found this great gig to make extra income just by giving my opinion. How cool is that?

For me, I love balance. I can make all the money in the world and still be unhappy. But if I love what I do, the money is a bonus and makes me work even smarter. The money also will give you freedom to do as you please. Balance, FREEDOM and money…

Money is a tool and if used intentionally, it can give leverage to balance your happiness and your responsibilities.

Never, ever.. GIVE UP! Whatever your dreams and desires are in a career and life, choose wisely with purpose. Keep recreating yourself and trying something different. If you hate it, change it. Don’t be a victim to circumstance or excuse.

Remember.. you are not a tree. If you want to move, get up and do it with a plan. Planning ahead and in advance gives you authority. Today, not tomorrow because life is not promised, is the day to start living your dreams.

I’m Nichelle. Your life & business strategist. I help you start, market, grow and profit like a CEO in life & business. Need advice about your next move, let’s chat. Are you ready to uplevel your business life, connect with me in my private Facebook Group.

Blessings & much success,

3 Tips for New Business Owners

Are you interested in becoming an entrepreneur, but don’t no where to start? It’s simple.. just start.

Yes.. as simple as that!

Most small businesses fail within the first 5 yrs according to the U.S. Small Business Administration. The main reasons are due to:

1. A lack of knowledge.

2. A lack of funding.

3. Failure to price product or service correctly.

Most people dream of entrepreneurship, but many never take the next step or they give up too soon. Just a side note.. Entrepreneurship is not for the faint at heart.

If you are comfortable where you are, you probably won’t make it. I advise new, thrill seekers of these 3 things when starting a business.

After you’ve mastered that, I suggest you hire someone to teach you how to start, market, grow and become profitable. If you can’t find anyone, I just might be available. Check here for available times.

After you’ve done all this, now it’s time to put the foot to the medal and put a strategy in place.

Are you working part-time or full-time in this new business? What are your professional and financial goals as an entrepreneur? Where do you see yourself a year from now in this business? If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Subscribe to The People Connect Podcast for business tips, inspiration and motivation to keep you in the loop and on top of your business.

So start planning…

Be prepared to invest in you and your business if you are serious. If finances are low, invest in free business tools to get started. There are tons of them. You need a website or a blog, an email provider (CRM system) and a product or service. You can also get The Start, Market & Grow Business Bundle if you need an indepth knowledge of building that business online.

The life of an entrepreneur can be fun, stressful and really challenging. Join business groups on Facebook and connect with other business people.

The more you learn, the more comfortable you will be as a new business owner.

Are you social? If not, you better get that way. There are over 6 billion people in the world ready to be introduced to your business idea. Connect with me on Instagram for more tips & strategy about business.

I’m Nichelle! A certified business & life strategist. I help you start, market, grow and profit as the CEO of you.

Until next time..

Blessings & Peace,

Cuba.. How it Can Change Your Life with One Visit


“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.”

Mark Twain

Day 1  We just entered Cuba.

I was so waiting on this trip. I couldn’t wait to experience all the fears of others who told me about it. I didn’t know what to expect. Nothing I heard was good. I wanted to see it for myself so I booked a cruise and started on my way to the largest Carribean Island of Cuba.

Riding through the streets of Cuba

Believe this.. some of what they told you is true. Believe this.. a lot of what they told you was a lie.


“One’s destination is never a place, but always a new way of seeing things.”

Henry Miller

The Cuban people are great people. They are warm, beautiful, friendly, culturally correct and some are living in conditions no one should have to endure. I was baffled by what I saw, yet I felt so blessed to be able to see it. Seeing Cuba through my own eyes made me realize 3 things.

  1. I am so blessed! Never again will I complain. Why? I can change my circumstances if I want to. I am FREE to go and do as I please. I can earn, learn and empower myself without any approval of another.
  2. Appreciate the little things and thank God daily. A house, running water, food, transportation, clean air and everything else in between. When you see how others suffer due to control, you recognize that you are powerful and didn’t even know it.
  3. Don’t get trapped in the fears of others. Live your life. See for yourself. Don’t allow others to give you a perspective they hear about. You be the judge. If I had listened to and fallen in the trap of fear, I would have never had this Cuban experience.

Will I go back? Yes.. I believe the more we learn about others, the more they can teach us. I met some great people on my tours and while visiting the local neighborhoods. They just want to be recognized for who they are.. human beings. They want what you and I want. A good life without limitations. Cuba deserves to be on your list of travel. It is a worthy visit.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in you sail. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Mark Twain



Oh and.. did I mention that I celebrated my 22nd Anniversary with my husband in Cuba.  Here we are loving on each other while chilling and relaxing

If you would like to learn more about my daily life, business packed with motivation and inspiration, connect with me on Instagram I look forward to meeting you.

Until next time.. Blessings and Peace,





5 Reasons Why Puppies are Similar to Babies


wp-1455324588209.jpgI have always been a lover of four legged family members. They not only bring joy, but they have a way of making a boring day exciting. The innocent eyes, the playful spirit and the special wagging of the tail makes it a special day when they great you at the door. I have never had a puppy until now. My husband jokes that since all of our dogs have been senior citizens, I’m going through an adjustment period. Lol.. Tell me about it! This has not only been a learning experience, but I feel like I have given birth all over again. This time my newborn baby licks me. Listed below are 5 reasons why puppies are so similar to babies. If you know what I’m talking about, give Zeus a like and wish me luck.

1. They need love too. From day one, they expect you to give them tender loving, nurturing care. If done with sincerity and love, you will create a bond that will last throughout the years. As an adult, you will have developed a best friend, your greatest protector or your biggest problem if not given the proper attention and stable structure for growth and development.
2. They didn’t ask to be here. It was the decision of an adult no matter how conceived in wedlock or out of it. The mother and/or father made that decision. Why punish the puppy for the parents choices? Make it work and learn how to become acquainted. I keep telling myself this one over and over again…
3. They need to be potty trained. This is a marathon with kids and a transition with puppies. They have a mind of their own. Trying to adjust to an adults schedule and guidance is an adjustment. That’s why patience is a virtue and you must exhibit it so that they become confident in the process.
4. They require attention. Neglect them and it’s the beginning of destruction. They will do something you dislike or tear up something you treasure. You will pay at some point in their lives. Ignoring them will entice them to be disobedient. Acknowledging their existence will cause them to love you forever. Which may result in them growing up to be your best friend because you were attentive and gave them the love they deserved.
5. They get just as many oooos and ahhhs.. When out in public, people want to pet them just like people want to hold a baby. Often times, the puppies fear or trust of the other is met with a growl or a tail wagging just like a cry or a smile for a baby, their emotions are felt.

Zeus has made our family happy. Especially with the loss of our other four legged friend several years ago. I’m starting to get used to his presence and his company. I think he’s a keeper!!

I am Nichelle Womack! As a people building, life transition strategist, I specialize in helping you reach your greatest potential through self-reliance and internal motivation. I provide inspiration through community speaking engagements, one on one consultation and group/team training. Positive thoughts and language are my fuel for energy and my desire to help you find yours. If you are interested in a free 15 minute session of coaching, contact me @ diversecc@gmail.com. Looking for more great life tips, check out “The Master Tip Manual for Personal Success” @http://amzn.to/1bWA7Vw . Many blessings and much success to you!! Check out my websites @ www.2ExcelWithNichelle.com and www.diversecc.com. Connect with me on Twitter and Periscope @NichelleWomack.

4 Assets That Require an Investment

“If you count all your assets you always show a profit.”

Wilson Mizner

Wise investments pay hefty dividends. Knowing where to place your resources enable you to have more control over your market and have less fear in its volatility. In life, we have more control over things than not. Depending on priorities, we decide which if any, gets attention. Therefore, the decision to be proactive and invest versus reactive and guessing, can enable you to live a more profitable life.

1. Relationships – great connections with people allow you to excel in life. They hold you up when you are down and lift you up as you continue to rise. It nurtures your confidence to have good ones. Good relationships give long life and bad ones can cause disease. Examine who is good for you and who is not. Put each in its perspective and place. Don’t give in to dropping stock, invest in long-term growth. People who are by your side and tell you when you are right and wrong have proven to be great finds.

relationship quote1
2. Health – Your health is your wealth because without it, you are broke. Poor health robs you of a rich lifestyle. It imprisons you to medication and ultimately affects your entire portfolio and limits your growth. Great investments in eating healthier foods, cutting back on things you know you shouldn’t have and letting go of things that exploit your vessel will optimize your performance across the board. What you eat, you become. Incorporate balance in your diet, exercise, think great thoughts and love the body you are in.

Health quotes
3. Spirituality – This gives you balance, power and authority. It builds confidence in you and gratefulness in your gifts. It provides fulfillment to hopes and wishes. When you can call on or go to something that is bigger than you, it gives you peace and security to know that things will not only get better, but that you will be alright. Spirituality gives confirmation that greater is HE that is in you than he that is in this world. You not only handle conflict and misfortunes better, you face the battle with understanding that it’s not yours.

spirituality quote
4. Income – It’s a survival mechanism, a tool for stability and advancement as well as a means to be a blessing to others. Without it, hardship exist. The more you know about it and how to grow it, the more you will acquire. Income has no limits when strategically planned out. In most instances, you are in control of how many zero’s you add to your life.

Income Quote

You are the primary beneficiary to a life full of wealth, including great relationships, excellent health, strong spirituality and increased income. These are your assets that can prove valuable trifold. Your decisions can make or break you in these instances. What you place priority on and give attention to grows exponentially with great investments.

I am Nichelle Womack! As a people building, life transition strategist, I specialize in helping you reach your greatest potential through self-reliance and internal motivation. I provide inspiration through community speaking engagements, one on one consultation and group/team training. Positive thoughts and language are my fuel for energy and my desire to help you find yours. If you are interested in a free 15 minute session of coaching, contact me @ diversecc@gmail.com. Looking for more great life tips, check out “The Master Tip Manual for Personal Success” @http://amzn.to/1bWA7Vw . Many blessings and much success to you!! Check out my websites @ www.2ExcelWithNichelle.com and www.diversecc.com. Connect with me on Twitter and Periscope @DiverseConnect.

Lottery Frenzy is on High


It sounds like a lot of money and it is. Yet, there is always a cost that comes with winning the prize. If you win, what would you do? If you don’t, what will you do then?

According to math, it’s not worth risking $2 to play for the $800 million Powerball jackpot http://www.businessinsider.com/powerball-lottery-expected-value-jan-9-draw-2016-1

Capitalize on These 3 Words Daily

5 Tips to Remain Focused Everyday

Stay Focused0

Seeking strength in a greater source allows you to live life with purpose. Stay away from dream thieves and naysayers. Open your mind to what could be and what is. Everything you need to be happy is inside of you. Listed below are five tips to steer you in your lane of success. Remain focused, dream it, believe it and aim to achieve it.

1. Wake up every day with a true purpose. What do you plan to do today? What do you need to accomplish it? How close will you be towards achieving your goals? Having direction in your life gives you stability. There is no time to sit around and wait for something to happen. You take the first step and make it happen.


2. Love yourself first. If you don’t love you, how do you expect others to give you the respect you deserve? You should set the example as to how you want people to treat you. Expect the best and forget the rest. If you expect less, you will get less. Give yourself a hug. Try it! It makes you feel so much better and it gives you instant love.


3. Speak what you want into existence. The tongue has been called the greatest weapon. It can commit a blessing or a curse. It literally has the ability to destroy others you speak to and those who speak to you. Be contentious of what you say. If you believe it, make it happen by saying it. The more you say it, you begin to feel it and the universe has a way of bringing it to reality. Only allow positive language to enter your ears.


4. Develop a “I can and will attitude.” Work hard every day to make your dreams a reality. You are the captain of your ship. If it sinks, it’s because you allowed it to happen. Don’t let anyone steer you in the wrong direction. Take control and lead it all the way.


5. Seek and work with a mentor. Mentors are good for so many reasons. Everyone needs someone in their life who is dependable, honest and supportive even during mistakes. This person should know your goals and attempt to help you achieve them. Make certain this person is willing to be there every step of the way, good and bad.


“Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.”

-Orison Swett Marden

I’ve learned to have a great day regardless of what and who I encounter. The world is filled with critics/haters who find wrong in everything you do. In fact, their goal in life is to make certain you fail and never recover. People are so quick to point out your faults while they ignore theirs. Ignore ignorance and stay focused on what makes you happy. You are entitled to live your life the way you please. Be encouraged!! Many blessings and much success!!

I am Nichelle Womack! As a people building, life transition strategist, I specialize in helping you reach your greatest potential through self-reliance and internal motivation. I provide inspiration through community speaking engagements, one on one consultation and group/team training. Positive thoughts and language are my fuel for energy and my desire to help you find yours. If you are interested in a free 15 minute session of coaching, contact me @ diversecc@gmail.com. Looking for more great life tips, check out “The Master Tip Manual for Personal Success” @http://amzn.to/1bWA7Vw . Many blessings and much success to you!! Check out my websites @ www.2ExcelWithNichelle.com and www.diversecc.com. Connect with me on Twitter and Periscope @DiverseConnect.