3 Tips for New Business Owners

Are you interested in becoming an entrepreneur, but don’t no where to start? It’s simple.. just start.

Yes.. as simple as that!

Most small businesses fail within the first 5 yrs according to the U.S. Small Business Administration. The main reasons are due to:

1. A lack of knowledge.

2. A lack of funding.

3. Failure to price product or service correctly.

Most people dream of entrepreneurship, but many never take the next step or they give up too soon. Just a side note.. Entrepreneurship is not for the faint at heart.

If you are comfortable where you are, you probably won’t make it. I advise new, thrill seekers of these 3 things when starting a business.

After you’ve mastered that, I suggest you hire someone to teach you how to start, market, grow and become profitable. If you can’t find anyone, I just might be available. Check here for available times.

After you’ve done all this, now it’s time to put the foot to the medal and put a strategy in place.

Are you working part-time or full-time in this new business? What are your professional and financial goals as an entrepreneur? Where do you see yourself a year from now in this business? If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Subscribe to The People Connect Podcast for business tips, inspiration and motivation to keep you in the loop and on top of your business.

So start planning…

Be prepared to invest in you and your business if you are serious. If finances are low, invest in free business tools to get started. There are tons of them. You need a website or a blog, an email provider (CRM system) and a product or service. You can also get The Start, Market & Grow Business Bundle if you need an indepth knowledge of building that business online.

The life of an entrepreneur can be fun, stressful and really challenging. Join business groups on Facebook and connect with other business people.

The more you learn, the more comfortable you will be as a new business owner.

Are you social? If not, you better get that way. There are over 6 billion people in the world ready to be introduced to your business idea. Connect with me on Instagram for more tips & strategy about business.

I’m Nichelle! A certified business & life strategist. I help you start, market, grow and profit as the CEO of you.

Until next time..

Blessings & Peace,

Ways to Make Extra Money in Your Jammies

bill money

Hey There..

Is it Friday yet? Yes it is and I am super excited because it has been a long, long week. I feel like a need a vacation from vacation. Anywho.. it’s Freedom Friday and you probably are excited because it is probably payday too. If you aren’t, I am. I got another vacation to pay for.

“You gotta run more than your mouth to escape the treadmill of mediocrity. A true hustler jogs during the day, and sleepwalks at night.” – Jarod Kintz

Have you ever had to rob Peter to pay Paul? Well.. I have and it has never been fun. In fact, it always had me wondering how other people where able to live the lives of their dreams and I was struggling day to day with 3 college degrees.

I’ve always made good money, but the way my life is set up.. I love to live a great life. This includes eating great food at nice restaurants, traveling to exclusive places and lounging in 5 star resorts. Yes.. I can do it with my salary, but why? Especially when I can make some extra money to live the lifestyle I desire. Living a great life requires you making some extra ends.

If you are broke in 2018, it’s your fault. Why? There are so many ways to make an additional stream of income with little to no effort…. I’m kidding.. it’s not that easy, but anything worth having isn’t either. Nevertheless, you gotta do something in order to see the results you expect.

Guess what.. the great thing is you don’t have to punch a clock to do it. You can do this in your spare time.. even while you are at your 9 to 5, you can be making an additional stream of income. So if this sounds exciting to you, check out the 4 ways listed below. Get started today and start making money today as well. Like really.. today.

“Hustle until you no longer need to introduce yourself.” – Anonymous

  1. People ask for your opinion and we often share it. What about if you got paid to do it? Yep.. Get paid to tell others how you feel. Share your opinion here and join others who are making extra money in their spare time.
  2. Have you ever thought about opening an online store? Well.. it’s not as difficult as it used to be however, it’s not as easy as some may say. I opened my store about 9 months ago using what I learned here. Since that time I earn weekly income simply by drop shipping merchandise. You better get with the program. Some inventory I own and some I don’t. Regardless.. I love when that direct deposit hits my bank account for a store that own. You can thank Amazon for creating a platform to make money online. Look at Jeff Bezos. He’s a billionaire now.
  3. Earn money with your smartphone by completing small projects at local stores. Yep.. you read that right. Your smartphone ain’t dumb at all and it can help you earn extra money too. Simple task, some big, some small.. all pay. I’ve been using this app for about 2 years to make weekly extra income in my spare time. If I’m in that area, I pick up a job. I love the timely deposits that I receive. Sign up here to get started today.
  4. It just makes sense to earn money while you shop. If you’ve never used coupons, now is a great time to start. This app helps you save money and pays you while you are doing it. Again.. if you are broke in 2018, it’s by choice. Sign up here to start earning while you shop.

So.. if you are in need of extra money or just want some extra money to start enjoying that extra life, I hope you enjoy these opportunities. In case you missed it, check out what I did in Cuba here. Now don’t just earn it and spend it. If you need to get out of debt, do that. If you want to take a trip, save for it. I have found this Rize to be an amazing tool for helping me prioritize my goals. Check it out and get started reaching your goals too.

If bad habits are keeping you broke, check out How to Create New Habits. It will revolutionize your strategy to refocus your attention towards achieving your goals and dreams.

“If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.” – Jim Rohn

Please feel free to share this article with others who are seeking to make an extra income or two. After all, even billionaires are always seeking ways to make more money.

I’m Nichelle.. Thanks for subscribing and being a part of my space. If you like daily information, inspiration and motivation, connect with me on Instagram. I love meeting new people.

Blessings and happy earning…


Cuba.. How it Can Change Your Life with One Visit


“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.”

Mark Twain

Day 1  We just entered Cuba.

I was so waiting on this trip. I couldn’t wait to experience all the fears of others who told me about it. I didn’t know what to expect. Nothing I heard was good. I wanted to see it for myself so I booked a cruise and started on my way to the largest Carribean Island of Cuba.

Riding through the streets of Cuba

Believe this.. some of what they told you is true. Believe this.. a lot of what they told you was a lie.


“One’s destination is never a place, but always a new way of seeing things.”

Henry Miller

The Cuban people are great people. They are warm, beautiful, friendly, culturally correct and some are living in conditions no one should have to endure. I was baffled by what I saw, yet I felt so blessed to be able to see it. Seeing Cuba through my own eyes made me realize 3 things.

  1. I am so blessed! Never again will I complain. Why? I can change my circumstances if I want to. I am FREE to go and do as I please. I can earn, learn and empower myself without any approval of another.
  2. Appreciate the little things and thank God daily. A house, running water, food, transportation, clean air and everything else in between. When you see how others suffer due to control, you recognize that you are powerful and didn’t even know it.
  3. Don’t get trapped in the fears of others. Live your life. See for yourself. Don’t allow others to give you a perspective they hear about. You be the judge. If I had listened to and fallen in the trap of fear, I would have never had this Cuban experience.

Will I go back? Yes.. I believe the more we learn about others, the more they can teach us. I met some great people on my tours and while visiting the local neighborhoods. They just want to be recognized for who they are.. human beings. They want what you and I want. A good life without limitations. Cuba deserves to be on your list of travel. It is a worthy visit.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in you sail. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Mark Twain



Oh and.. did I mention that I celebrated my 22nd Anniversary with my husband in Cuba.  Here we are loving on each other while chilling and relaxing

If you would like to learn more about my daily life, business packed with motivation and inspiration, connect with me on Instagram I look forward to meeting you.

Until next time.. Blessings and Peace,





4 Types of Human Hunger

“Making money isn’t hard in itself,what’s hard is to earn itdoing something worth devoting your life to”
Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Thought of the day…

A question on the panel in #PlentifulLiving101. There are 4 types of hunger where people are striving to be fed.

1. Money – people need more of it. Something is always due or overdue. You fake the funk and rob Peter to pay Paul then go about it as if nothing is wrong with your right. You live in a fantasy because reality is too scary for sight.

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. –Benjamin Franklin

2. Time – not enough of it exist. Work 8 hours to come home and prepare for tomorrow. You’re too tired to do anything else but complain you don’t have time. Waiting for Friday to eventually realize that it’s Monday already and you’re back to the same routine.

TIme quote
3. Security – nothing is guaranteed but life and death. I hate to inform you, but that good job isn’t either. Don’t be fooled and retire with just a pen. You better hope your 401K is still in tact. You should be accountable to you and everything else should be secondary. It ain’t like it used to be and if it was, don’t you want to be FREE.

“If a company won’t hire you, why don’t you start your own company? Steve Jobs created jobs, he didn’t apply for them. #Startup your dreams.”
Jarod Kintz

Dave Ramsey Quote
4. Spirituality – without it, people are misguided, mislead, misdirected and confused. They focus on external connections versus internal. When spirituality approaches them, they take credit for them being relieved for all of the problems above. Nothing can be done without a great relationship with the supplier. For HE provides a way to get through and be open to something new.

“Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love,
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved, as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.”
Francis of Assisi


Nevertheless, the combination of money, time, security and spirituality can cause one to think long and hard or just continue going about their daily routine of existing and not living. All are needed to survive and thrive. At some point, one must have a conversation with self. Be real!! If there is lack, increase won’t take place until you take action and move in a different direction in one or all areas of your life. Is it time to get busy?

“Always be smarter than the people who hire you.”
Lena Horne

I am Nichelle Womack! As a people building, life transition strategist, I specialize in helping you reach your greatest potential through self-reliance and internal motivation. I provide inspiration through community speaking engagements, one on one consultation and group/team training. Positive thoughts and language are my fuel for energy and my desire to help you find yours. If you are interested in a free 15 minute session of coaching, contact me @ diversecc@gmail.com. Looking for more great life tips, check out “The Master Tip Manual for Personal Success” @http://amzn.to/1bWA7Vw . Many blessings and much success to you!! Check out my websites @ www.2ExcelWithNichelle.com and www.diversecc.com. Connect with me on Twitter and Periscope @NichelleWomack.

Lottery Frenzy is on High


It sounds like a lot of money and it is. Yet, there is always a cost that comes with winning the prize. If you win, what would you do? If you don’t, what will you do then?

According to math, it’s not worth risking $2 to play for the $800 million Powerball jackpot http://www.businessinsider.com/powerball-lottery-expected-value-jan-9-draw-2016-1

The Top Ten Legal American Scams

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“The American Dream never really existed. It was a marketing scam.”
-James Altucher
Have you ever thought about life from this perspective? Everyone is out to get something regardless of how they get it. The system is set up to profit by every means. If you are not keeping up with it, you can soon find yourself in great need and maybe even depending on it for survival. Even though you may agree or disagree, the reality of the situation is, everything is about business and the bottom line is to make money. Sometimes at the expense of you!

1. Insurance – They bank on you not dying, getting in a car accident or getting sick. Because if you do, they have to pay out. This business would prefer that nothing happens to their bottom line. That would mean more money in their pocket, better facilities and high rise buildings with marble floors all paid from your premiums. However, you must keep paying or else you would be at greater risk if something were to happen. The insurance business is a billion dollar industry that will continue to grow. By 2017, we will be paying over $100 billion annually to private insurance companies to secure our interest.
2. Bank Fees – You pay someone else to manage your money and they earn an interest. The banks charge you a fee when you can’t meet your day to day expenses with overdraft fees. You are also charged monthly just to bank with them. They can make as many financial errors as they want and they will be backed by the system that controls the whole scam. All they have to do is ask for a bailout or file chapter 11 and they are back in business ready to start all over again or perhaps where they left off. Whereas the average citizen, you and I, are doomed!! We can’t get a bailout when we make a big financial mistake. Yeah, you can file bankruptcy, however, you will be tarnished for years per the standards of society. A 2007 study by the Center for Responsible Lending said consumers are paying fees of $17.5 billion annually — on automatic overdraft loans of $15.8 billion per year.
3. Mortgages – In essence, you don’t actually own the home until you have the title in your hand and your debt is free and clear. I never understood the term homeowner. It should read, “borrowing to own a home.” The bank is the lien holder and the owner until they are paid in full. The advantage of being a “person borrowing to own a home” is that you get to write off the taxes and the interest you paid throughout the year to live in or rent it out. However, the mortgage lien holders get to do the exact same thing. They also receive bailouts too when your finances are not in order. If you have to foreclose, you get nothing in return except a negative credit rating. The lien holder gets to write it off as a loss (bad debt.) So in the end, the mortgage lien holder still comes out on top, they are still in business and they have secured your home.
4. Renting a place to live – You are just paying someone else to live a good life and build their equity. While you are paying for their lifestyle, you are losing money as if you were throwing it out the window. The “person borrowing to own a home” who you pay your rent to, receives every possible advantage to even make a profit on your hard earned dollar. You probably end up paying the IRS or getting little back at the end of the year because of this.
5. Healthcare – The system is designed to keep you sick. Instead of sharing with you remedies and tools to help you get better, some physicians heavily medicate and keep you comatose from reality. In the meantime, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals and physicians are profiting off of your lack of awareness. Check out other countries and how they operate their healthcare system. Very few, if anyone is in medical debt. Our systems thrives on making a dollar, keeping corporation’s rich and impoverishing the working class. As of 2012, 75 million people reported problems paying their medical bills or were paying off medical debt, up from 73 million in 2010 and 58 million in 2005. An estimated 48 million people were paying off medical debt in 2012, up from 44 million in 2010 and 37 million in 2006 (Source: Press Release, The Commonwealth Fund.)
6. Government – If you look at what it was designed for,” to protect and serve the people”, it has totally strayed away from this principle. Instead, we live in a society that it deprives, uses and abuse power and facilitate in acts that cost the country millions.
• People are geared towards a system that keeps them economically challenged with no desire to get better (food stamps). Now I agree that there is a need, especially when times get hard and there is nowhere to turn. Yet to not offer a recipient a decent salary to feed and take care of a family, it gives them nowhere else to turn. America has one
• People get in political office and instead of making the situation better, they rob the people who voted them in office with greed and mistrust. Who can you trust that really has your best interest at heart?
• Wars, wars and more wars… We have a war right here in our own country. There are so many homeless vets and others who could use that money right here in America. How come we can’t use some of the millions that we spend everywhere else to give people in our own back yard a better way of life?
7. Education – Only in America can one go to school and get a degree, be in debt, never make enough to pay their loans off and die with them not being paid. Look at other countries. They go to school for free and graduate with little to no educational debt. They live free of being hounded to pay back money to not only make themselves better, but the community they live in better as well.
8. Utilities – Even though it’s a privilege and a blessing to have due to the fact that third world countries don’t have them, is it necessary to profit while customers inherit significant rate increases? I mean I understand it’s a business, but it’s a needed commodity that you know one almost has to have. You have people who barely get by and it’s hard for them to maintain, yet the CEO of the company has profited while you scrap to pay your bill.
9. The Prison System – So many people do wrong and they deserve to pay the time. However, this system predicates off people doing unjustly. The owners of this enterprise profit heavily and keep people tied to a system that offers them a return visit. Free housing, healthcare, food and sometimes work. Yes work.. They do that in prison and get paid cents on the dollar. Work is done for corporate enterprises so that they don’t have to hire anyone to do it and pay them a salary. Not all jobs go overseas. Some are in your back yard and you will never know it unless you are the one running the company. Why not offer rehabilitation and career opportunities so that this cycle does not become a career? Well.. that’s cutting into their profits. So why ask why? After all, it’s a business, right?
10. Corporate America – You work for years in some companies and made them enough profits for the shareholders and stockholders to retire and live a comfortable life. You have given them the most significant aspect of your life and yet you retire with a pen, a certificate and possibly a ring. Where did that time go? Thirty years and you have nothing to show for it. In the meantime, the stockholders and CEO’s have made enough money off of your sweat, long hours and tears to retire and possibly never work again, not to mention the luxury you’ve provided their family.

One can go on and on about how everyday American citizens are taken advantage of by the system and think nothing of it. It’s something we are taught to do, understand and just go with the flow. All eyes need to be placed on what we can do to make this country better while being profitable. It shouldn’t be at the expense of the citizens who work hard every day to be screwed in the long run.

I am Nichelle Womack. As a people building, transition coach, I specialize in helping you reach your greatest potential through self-reliance and internal motivation. I provide inspiration through community speaking engagements, one on one consultation and group training. Positive thoughts and language are my fuel for energy and my desire to help you find yours. If you are interested in a free 15 minute session of coaching, contact me @ diversecc@gmail.com. Looking for more great life tips, check out “The Master Tip Manual for Personal Success” @http://amzn.to/1bWA7Vw . Many blessings and much success to you!! Check out my websites @ www.nichellewomack.com and www.diversecc.com. Connect with me on Twitter @DiverseConnect.

Live a Life Worth Repeating…

Live Life

“If you start the day reading the obituaries, you live your day a little differently.”

David Levithan

For some, life zooms past us during our working years at the blink of an eye. Consistently, it’s the same daily aspect of wakening up to go to work, getting off work and turning around doing the same thing the very next day.  It’s no big surprise why some ask themselves, “How did I get old so quick? Where did all the time go?” Well… time stands still for no one. Unless you use and make every second count, you will find yourself on the other hand of time with no restart button.

The issue is in the daily routine of work. The human personality has this propensity called deletion. Anything that continues to rehash, the memory does not record. Basically because it’s just not worth considering or remembering for that matter.

So…. how can we respect each experience of time and not neglect your life in the process?

The answer lies in you creating self-care, self-awareness and a desire that dwells deep inside of you. In essence, it is a realistic view of an elevated condition of familiarity with your own consideration, sentiments and daily activities. At the same time in the event that you can’t do that yet, you can begin by honing in on these three thought provoking questions.

As you lie in bed and before dosing off, ask and answer these three questions:

  1. What is one thing I am thankful for on this day?
  2. What and how do I anticipate tomorrow?
  3. If I had to choose how my day will go, what would that look like?

I call these straight forward brain teasers that will encourage the beginning of creating something great? All things considered, let me share the rationale behind them. The first question requires you to thoroughly consider your day and discover something you’re truly thankful for. As you do that, not only will you discover something to be thankful for, you will likewise have reviewed your whole day from a much larger perspective. In Neuro-Linguistic Programming, we call this recapping an overall perspective and justifying the importance of a circumstance. Try this! Envision placing your everyday experience into a container, put a top on it and then name it, “The Way I View My Life”. Having a considerable amount of these containers in your thoughts sorts your memories into noteworthy encounters or folders per se’ instead of having them as one extensive cluster called, “My Life.. How I Hoped it Would Be”.

The second question entices you to look forward in time and envision what’s going to or what you hope to happen tomorrow. When you have something to anticipate, it makes this characteristic more appealing to the mind and gives you the drive and energy to make it happen. You will feel inspired the minute you wake up. It will be the first thought on your mind and your self-sensor will provoke you to act on it.

The third question uncovers your deepest desires based upon the fact that we typically decide to dream about what we need and wish for. This solidifies your path and reason which later clarifies your desire to want it even more.

If you ask yourself these three questions on a regular basis, you will have a greater respect for the time you have and it won’t seem to fly by. You will begin to focus on the important aspects about your life and have a clear perspective to do what truly matters. Live life intentionally, full of joy and do what makes you happy.

I am Nichelle Womack. As a life expansion coach, I specialize in helping you reach your greatest potential through self-reliance and internal motivation. I provide inspiration through online and community speaking engagements. Positive thoughts and language are my fuel for energy and my desire to help you find yours. Looking for more great life tips, check out “The Master Tip Manual for Personal Success” @http://amzn.to/1bWA7Vw . Many blessings and much success to you!! Check out my websites @ www.nichellewomack.com and www.diversecc.com. Connect with me on Twitter @DiverseConnect.

Start a Business with Little Capital

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“Many people work the business wrong, then claim the business is wrong when it doesn’t work.” – Len Clements, Founder & CEO of MarketWave, Inc.

“Don’t hate what you don’t understand” – John Lennon

Most people dream of starting their own business, but most don’t have enough capital to do so. The most popular business in America is McDonald’s. It has a recognizable name and most everyone has eaten at one. To become a franchisor, the company requires a minimum of $750,000 of non-borrowed personal resources to consider you for a franchise. The average person doesn’t have that so they continue to look for something that they can afford. The reality, most brick and mortar highly profitable franchises are going to cost a significant amount of money to start. They are also going to require liquid assets and a book of financials to offer you the opportunity. Not to mention, the fees you will pay to use and profit from their name.

If you still are interested in becoming a business owner, may I suggest you consider multi-level marketing? The reason multi-level marketing or MLM’s are so popular is because of its low cost to become a business owner, the ability to work from home and the reality that you can run your own business from anywhere in the country. It literally is considered a franchise with little to no fee and the rewards are astronomical. Your small join or sign -up fee is buying a piece of a company, just like a franchise, that was started by someone else. You buy the opportunity to market the business, be the CEO of your own organization, use the products and even more, partner with other business leaders and earn an income while doing so. This income can be as large or small as you want. Depending on your efforts, your ability to learn and be coachable, you determine your growth from there. Now I must be honest and say this is not so easy to do. Just like owning a brick and mortar franchise, you must put in the work in order for it to be successful. This is the main reason why most don’t succeed at Multi-Level Marketing.

If you are considering an MLM home based business? It could be a very lucrative home based business option for you, but you should also know exactly whether or not what you are getting into is truly an MLM home based business or something else. Plus, you need to weigh out the positives and negatives of an MLM home based business before you decide that it is the right business for you.

Making sure you are actually getting involved in an MLM home based business, or multi-level marketing home based business, is important to save yourself some difficulties later. An MLM home based business involves the direct selling of products or services through the recommendations or endorsements of independent representatives/distributors. So, if you are the representative, you receive a commission on any sales that came from your endorsements. Also understand that most products sold through an MLM home based business are not necessarily advertised through mainstream media or in stores. They are considered specialty items and typically can only be purchased through you.

The confusing part of determining if your MLM home based business is legitimate is that there are a number of pyramid schemes out there that are dangerously similar to legitimate MLM home based business concepts. Remember, a pyramid scheme is illegal, and getting involved in one can cause you more trouble that it is worth. You will need to do your research into any MLM home based business that you are considering so that you are sure the MLM home based business you are going to run is valid and legal. Usually, if your investment in proportionate to the product or service you are selling, your MLM home based business will probably be valid.

There are a number of advantages to having an MLM home based business. First of all, you will be working from home where you can virtually set your own hours, which is probably why you are considering an MLM home based business in the first place. Also, you will not have to manufacture (profit saver) any products, because you are usually selling things that are already made and the MLM home based business will usually come with a pre-determined marketing plan. Many people suffer through the process of determining the most effective methods for marketing their products, but with an MLM home based business, you are relieved of that stress. Consider it a business in a box with all the bells and whistles.

The disadvantages of having your own MLM home based business, though, depends a bit on your personality. If you have good leadership skills and are as self-starter, then an MLM home based business will pose little hardship to you. However, if recruiting and selling gives you hives, then starting and maintaining an MLM home based business may be more of a challenge, since your success depends on your ability to be proactive in the business by possibly recruiting and selling your products/services.

Still, having your own MLM home based business means that you can live out your dream of being your own boss, having flexibility in your work schedule and create an extra stream of income that could possibly replace your current one. The cool thing is, you do not need any prior experience unlike most high paying jobs. You can rely on your personality, your desire to learn and your ability to share information as the benchmark to maintain your business.

Just like corporate America, MLM organizations look for leaders. Those individuals who have a desire to exceed expectations, help the organization grow and develop a rewarding lifestyle doing so. Still, do your research to make sure your MLM home based business is a legal business so that you can truly enjoy the true freedom that the MLM home based business offers. There are many opportunities to create the income and the life you deserve if you are willing to put in the sweat equity and work.

I am Nichelle Womack. As a people building coach, I specialize in helping you reach your greatest potential through self-reliance and internal motivation. I provide inspiration through online and community speaking engagements. Positive thoughts and language are my fuel for energy and my desire to help you find yours. Looking for more great life tips, check out “The Master Tip Manual for Personal Success” @http://amzn.to/1bWA7Vw . Many blessings and much success to you!! Check out my websites @ www.nichellewomack.com and www.diversecc.com. Connect with me on Twitter @DiverseConnect.

Don’t Spend That Refund Check Just Yet!

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“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” –Ronald Reagan

It’s tax time again! You may not like this time of year, but many people do. Was saving money, making money or spending money on your list of resolutions for 2015? If so, here’s a great opportunity to start the year off right. Don’t just talk about it, be about it and just do it! Instead of using your tax refund that you allowed the government to hold all year with no interest to buy something of no value, utilize it to increase your financial portfolio and better the life of yourself and those around you. You will be much better off in the long run and you will reap what you sow. A harvest well planted grows bountiful in rewards. Listed below are 5 things you can do today to increase your net worth.

1. Buy a house. As a homeowner, you get to deduct the interest you pay to the mortgage company. Even though home ownership comes with a lot of responsibility, the good outweighs everything. Instead of being the 3rd party in a transaction, it will be you and the bank. Not you, the landlord and the bank. Home ownership helps you build wealth. You will have an opportunity to build a solid credit history with on time monthly payments.This gives you leverage. If you are renting or leasing, your landlord enjoys this benefit. He/she is basically enjoying the financial rewards of your inability to do this and creating wealth at the same time. Things have changed a lot with buying a home. I suggest you seek a qualified, licensed Realtor and mortgage professional to help you along the way.

2. Start a home-based business. You may feel that starting a business can be costly and overwhelming. Well… you are right for the most part. However, a home based business offers so much more flexibility and are typically less expensive to start versus a brick and mortar type of business. Most home based business owners start while they are still working a job to make ends meet. That’s the uniqueness of this type of opportunity. Being a business owner gives you the right to write off expenses while conducting business. It also provides you with another means of income and you are not so dependent on your job. Business owners save an average of $500.00 monthly on their taxes and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. That’s about 10 to 18 percent. You have the flexibility to do what the average tax payer cannot do which gives you more diversity in your portfolio. You can deduct home office space, utilities, gifts and incentives to name a few. Check with your local tax advisor about the advantages in your state.

3. Invest in stock options. Even though the Dow has its ups and downs, your money has a greater chance to increase versus being placed in a bank account at 0.5% to 2% interest. Search and investigate the companies growth history over the last five years so that you can make a wise decision. Hire a broker if you don’t feel comfortable with your knowledge. Join an investment club, watch you-tube videos and read books. There’s so much information available at your fingertips about how to build wealth.

4. Pay off credit card debt with the highest interest. Most of your monthly payment is going towards the interest and not the balance. This activity makes it literally impossible to ever pay it off in a reasonable amount of time. Debt is the handicap of wealth. The only way to get rid of it is to stop accumulating it. Credit card debt can be good and bad. Depending on what you are using it for justifies its value.

5. Donate to charity. This is the most rewarding aspect of giving. You haven’t been blessed until you can bless someone else. Not only will you impact the lives of others, but you will contribute to your personal well being by utilizing it as a deduction next year to do the same thing again or find a new cause. Find a charity you are passionate about. Utilize its mission to make you a better person. Get involved with the charity and its purpose. Your time and donation will be indispensable to those in need.

I hope you found these five tips worthy. Encourage others to take this challenge. Be the spearhead of this endeavor and watch how your life and your circumstance will change for the better. Not only will you be happier, you will also feel more accomplished. Blessings!

“The person who does not know where his next dollar is coming from usually does not know where his last dollar went.” –Unknown

I am Nichelle Womack. As a people building coach, I specialize in helping you reach your greatest potential through self-reliance and internal motivation. I provide inspiration through online and community speaking engagements. Positive thoughts and language are my fuel for energy and my desire to help you find yours. Looking for more great life tips, check out “The Master Tip Manual for Personal Success” @http://amzn.to/1bWA7Vw . Many blessings and much success to you!! Check out my websites @ www.nichellewomack.com and www.diversecc.com. Connect with me on Twitter @DiverseConnect.